Strawberry sorbet


Strawberry sorbet

Comment on recipe :

i would really like to have a pic of the food not the chef!!!!!!



I assume "pic" stands for "picture" ?
The chef inputs a picture of the recipe when available : it happens from time to time that he delivers a recipe taken from his personal notes at a time he does not prepare the recipe. We always kindly invite our web visitors to take themselves a picture of their preparation and to forward it so that it illustrates the recipe so please feel free to do it.
For this easy recipe and so well known product, we also assumed that posting a picture of a sorbet is not critical to understand the recipe



Hey. If Anyone Knows Any Original French Food Can You Get In Touch Please. Got A Essay To Write And Need To Know A Bit About French Traditional Foods.
And French Culture.
Thank's Very Much.


Show cheese

please do an article on french cheese. not just recipes as they are not very helpful in understanding french cheese and how important it is to the french culture. please consider this. otherwise good website. Déçu Gros sourire



:D this is an amazing web site for food recipes and i use it for everything


Answer to foodfanatic

What a strange idea to ask about cheese in a comment to strawberry sorbet !
You are right that cheese is important to french culture.
Well, this too is too vast to be addressed as a global report here and should cover several books to be complete.
We would rather answer questions on specific region cheese traditions, on the type of milk used (cow, eve, goat), the type of cheese production processes (raw or cooked milk, pressed or not cheese, introduction of other than milk and salt ingredients), the history of certain cheeses, the traditional use of some specific cheeses in cooking recipes, etc on a case by case



looks yummy and delicious.
Wait i cant see it but.
I need this for my french homework.
So im looking for french foods.






i love strawberry so much :



Hi the recipes are so good,please help me to prepare a simple three course meal vegeterian starting with a starter



Pleure i think its better to have a picture of strawberry sorbet to see what's the finish product. it's not appealing if the topic is food then a face of chef was there maybe under the picture of the recipe. well i just hope that it would be tasty by look but i did not found the picture Débile


Angel and the picture

Unfortunately, we cannot take pictures of all the recipes we post on the site but I strongly believe that you can figure out what a sorbet looks like and what is the colour of a strawberry Sourire !
It also happens quite often that the pictures are taken and forwarded to us by the visitors themselves that are so proud to see their own picture (the one of the dish)on the site so we are confident you will succedd and send a picture...


French Garlic

Hi Garlic lovers !
I am french and live in Southern France, some purple garlic will be available on line soon !! please contact me for some details.

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AFTouch cuisine a été créé en 2005 par ivan Couet, vite rejoint par le chef étoilé Patrick Asfaux AFTouch cuisine devenu une référence en matiére de gastronomie plus de 70 millions de personnes é travers le monde ont déja visité ce site. Parmi eux de nombreux professionnels s'imspirent réguliérement de nos recettes.

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Couet Ivan
Créateur du site, developpeur informatique et passionné de gastronomie. Couet Ivan
Asfaux Patrick
Chef étoilé, désirant avant tout transmettre toute son expérience é celles et ceux qui le souhaite. Asfaux Patrick
Dubarry stéphane
Epicurien, puits de savoir intarrissable dans tous ce qui touche é l'histoire de notre terroir et ses acteurs. Dubarry stéphane


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