Shortbread pastry


Shortbread pastry

Comment on recipe :

I have been looking for some time for a recipe for 'pâte sablée' and, finally, accidentally, when looking for something else found yours! but,
1 small bag of vanilla flavoured caster sugar
doesn't tell me how much vanilla flavoured caster sugar. Pleae tell me how much is in one small bag. I live in Burlington, Ontario, Canada


Answer to Daphne

Hello Daphne
In France, such bags of "sucre vanillé" contains approximately 10 grams (1/3 oz) : precisely 7.5 grams. If you cannot find any or if you use it quite often, do it yourself : buy natural vanilla beans for making custard or other desserts and keep the empty beans (you have used the inside seeds for your custard or other desserts) you keep into a closed pot with caster sugar : the beans will flavour the sugar after a few weeks


Thank You!

Thank you for your prompt and helpful response.

I have to tell you, getting a response to my question, from a stranger, so far away - feels like magic!

I'm sitting alone, in front of my computer, grinning, feeling like I just got the best gift ever (your answer/not the computer).



I am blushing ... fortunately, I am (also) sitting alone in front of my computer in Paris (it is lunchtime and I have no time for lunch today : a shame for a French gastronom !!!).
Just for my information, what kind of pie (or other ?) do you have in mind with your "pâte sablée" ?



Give me a recipe from France. I need to do a report. Give me some info about it
Yo See YA Dude
OR Dudete


For Sarah

On top of this page, click on "recipes" then on any of the parts of the meals (starters, meat, fish, desserts ...) you want, you will find French exclusive recipes.
PS: What is the meaning of your last words (dude or dudete) ?


Shortbread pastry

how about oven temperature....or should we eat it raw ?... Thanks


Answer to Jay

Hi Jay
This recipe is the one of the pastry AS A BASE for some desserts. Of course, it is not intented to be eaten by itself.
This is why we did not address any cooking detail because it will depend what you do with the pastry : to go recipes of tarts using such pastry and you will find cooking instructions

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Asfaux Patrick
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