Spooned Biscuits help please!


Spooned Biscuits help please!

The spooned biscuit recipe i got off this site is very confusing
It says: 1 packet of vanilla sugar
How much is that? (in grams please)
Can someone please help me! and fast lol
Also i would like to know a substitute i could use instead of vanilla sugar.
Thanks in advance!


Answer to Tom

Hi Tom
Where are you settled ? In France such packets weights 7.5 grams. If you cannot find such already prepared sugar, you can easily make it yourself (and for less money) by using the empty vanilla beans you may have already used for their seeds for some desserts by keeping the empty vanilla beans into a well closed pot full of caster sugar. Stir the sugar from time to time with a dry spoon or fork. After a few weeks, the sugar will be well flavoured.
If for you substitute means another flavour, difficult to answer you : depends on what the biscuits will be used for. You can choose not to find any substitute for a more neutral taste.
Bon appétit


Spooned Biscuits help please!

I appreciate your help Smile
Ill get right on to that now!

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