


Madeleine de Commercy is delicious!
I luv french desserts and someday me and my friends r goin 2 France!



Gros sourireMadeleine are lovely
yum yum
its just like the ones in France cos i am French



please convert to american measurements!!

Merci beaucoup!



Hi Trilby
We try, from some time now (the translation of madeleines is quite old), into the English translations of recipes to put both measures (original ones and UK or US ones).
UK and US measures being, for some of them, slightly different (except for gallons but rarely used for house cooking !), we cannot put both to keep the wording simple so we always have to choose. Because of the difference of size between the UK and the US population, we tend to put US measures but we round them to be "usable" for both.
I am sure you can find a free easy to use converter on the web and that the decimal system (being universal) has no secret for you (I am sure that when you buy a bottle of European wine, you have no problem to figure out what 75 centiliters mean !...).
250 grams are slightly above 1/2 lb and 50 grams are approximately 1.5 oz
I leave to you make the convertions of the other measures (test)
PS: you have noticed that we have converted the temperatures ...


Madeline Conversion US

75 Cl = 3 Cups
250 Gr = 1/2 Lb
50 = 2 Oz

Enjoy the Madeleine



Madeleines are perfect for a snack with friends. I would like to share with you the recipe of Madeleine de Commercy, with lemon zest.

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Couet Ivan
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Asfaux Patrick
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