Browned shells Saint-Jaques


Browned shells Saint-Jaques

Comment on recipe :

well I have read various different recipes from your site and I have to comment that the translation is sometimes not very serious... In this recipe, noix de saint jacques (sea scallop) have been tranlated by walnut (noix) !! the resulting dish won't be exactly the same as the original I guess


Translation issues

Where are you from ? Your name sounds French and obviously you read French. You are totally right. Unfortunately, this (not very serious indeed) translation is very funny and more than confusing but it is a very old translation from an external - and obviously not so serious - source. I will correct it right away. As you seem to know, "noix" in French is walnut and we use it also for things that have a walnut shape, like the muscle of the scallop. But the translation could have been worse !...
If you look at more recent translations, I do hope you will find some improvement.
All the best

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