Veal Stock


Veal Stock

Comment on recipe :

Although this seems to be an acceptable method to make brown veal stock, it's not the proper way. When cutting mirepoix you should have 2:1:1 ratio of aromatics; ex. 2 onions, 1 carrot, and 1 celery. It's not recommended to use an oignon piquet (an onion studded with cloves). The bones should be roasted at a temp. of 350F - 400F; there is no real time limit for them to roast, general rule is about 3-4 hours and the bones used should be veal knuckle bones (has the best flavor), but don't add any oil to bones before or during the roasting process. Once the bones are done roasting they should be removed from pan. Drain the fat from the roasting pan and then add mirepoix and let it brown. Once the mirepoix is browned, you need to deglaze by adding red wine and a tomato paste to the pan with the mirepoix. Next add the bones and fill pot with COLD water, about 3/4 way up the pot, but make sure all bones are cover with water, and add either a sachet d' epices (sprig of thyme, bay leaf, parsely stems, whole peppercorns) or bouquet garni (sprig of thyme, celery stalk, parsely stems, whole peppercorns). Bring to a boil then turn heat down a simmer (approx. 180F-200F). During the simmering process a foamy like scum start to collect at the top. This scum are the impurities that you don't want in the stock. Depouillage (skim the scum) with a ladle and discard in a separate container. Continue to depouillage frequently through out the simmering. The stock should be allowed to simmer for a length of 6-8 hours. Once it is done, strain it using a chinois (china cap strainer). You can reserve the bones for a remouillage "remi", which is a rewetting of the bones. Reduce the stock by boiling it to help remove any additional impurities (the stock should be in a gelatin like state when it is cold). Cool the stock by dividing it in 2 shallow pans with a large surface area. This will help cool it faster or an ice bath can be an alternative cooling method. A 2-stage cooling method should be used: 135F - 70F for 2 hours then let it cool from 70F - 41F within 4 hours. Once it's cool you can store it in the refrigerator of the freezer.


Reponse au"chef" GIOVANNI

lorsqu'on parle de la culture et des recettes francaises il est préférable de parler dans la langue de Moliére donc comme les fonds de base ont été inventés et répertoriés par les chefs de la cuisine française je vais donc vous donner la véritable recette d'un fond de veau ainsi comme tous les cuisiniers apprennent jusqu'a la fin de leur vie enfin vous pourrez savoir le VRAI fond de veau
Proportions pour 10litres
éléments 6kgs de jarret de boeuf 6kgs de jarret de veau 650grs de couennes de porc blanchies
Désossez les viandes et cassez les os mettez les au four avec 650grs de carottes 650grs d'oignons
coupés en mirepoix lorsque cela sera roti ajoutez les a 14 litres d'eau ajoutez un bouquet garni
mettez a cuire 2 heures puis faites revenir les viandes coupés en gros dés rajoutez au fond et laissez cuire 8heures a tres faible ébullition
puis passez a la mousseline et reservez pour l'usage

Dans une grande casserole mettez des os de 10kgs de jarrets de veau désossés et 3 carcasses de volailles mettre la viande de veau en roti ficelé dans une grande casserole mettez les os les carcasses concassés 800grs de carottes en mirepoix 400grs d'oignons en moirepoix 300grs de poireaux émincés 100grs de céleri émincé 1 feuille de laurier et une brindille de thym faites un peu suez tout cela puis ajoutez 12 litres d'eau et 60grs de sel écumez sans cesse en le faisant cuire 3 heures puis passez le doucement pour qu'il reste clair

ces recettes ont été publiées mot a mot par le plus grand maître de la cuisine MR ESCOFFIER
qui represente encore maintenant LA REFERENCE pour tous les concours nationaux et internationaux de cuisine
Comme confrére je suis tres heureux de vous faire découvrir comment l'on fait gvraiment un fods de base
A bientôt
si vous avez encore quelques lacunes culinaires je me ferais une joie de vous porter vers l'excellence
Chef Patrick
peut-être que l'ami Dubarry vous aidera t il a voir plus clair


Reponse au"chef" GIOVANNI

I will have to agree w/ Msr. Asfaux. It seems maybe that Gio is making something that would be used for sauces- going more towards demi-glace to use for the base of other sauces.


Chef Giovanni

You want be French cook, but you are not French. I have a chance my mothet was French ans my father was Italian. My French Grand'Ma and my Italian Grand'Ma give me the Family Recipes. When a cook French, i make no faute, but when i cook Italian i make some mistake not important. Make Italian Cooking and let the French Chef give Recipes from The Master Chef Auguste Escoffier.
Have a nice day.

Chef Jean Simoni, Miami, Florida


Veal stock (fond de veau) not Demi-Glace!

Think before you speak "Chef".
First, if you look at the original article it read "this is the ORIGINAL veal stock- (one based on a very old recipe). The one you gave is accurate, but one Escoffier gave later on, based on the ancient one.
Second, you know nothing about me. For all you know, I am French, but happen to have a Celtic first name and can speak English fluently, unlike your English patois. For all you know, I may have been trained by some of the best French Chefs on the planet.
Third, I find it hard to believe that your Gran Mere or Pere passed that recipe on to you. It sounds like you may have copied it straight from "la repetoire de la Quisine".
Fourth, I am leary of those that put the title "Chef" before there name at all times. The best chefs i know refer to themselves as "cuisiner". You are only a Chef when you are a "Cheif", which is the direct translation if you didn't know. And I have seen your menu at wine 69. Not much to brag about.

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With, we invite you to pull off the éCommunication Superhighwayé for a moment and roam the back roads of the French countryside to discover the regional French food, French recipes cuisine and the wonderful people of the past and of the present who are behind French cooking world-wide reputation. A.F.Touch cuisine will offer you all the specialties of the French food. Each specialty is presented within its regional context accompanied by a list of traditional producers, guardians of tradition and expertise which have been handed down from generation to generation

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Couet ivan
Webmaster, developpeur and designer. Couet Ivan
Asfaux Patrick
French staring chef, sharing his recipes and his passion for cooking. Asfaux Patrick
Dubarry Stéphane
Dubarry stéphane


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