
Lorraine as Alsace was a long time German and was completely annexed by France only in 1766 with the death of the last of its sovereign dukes, the ex king of Polland, Stanislas the 1st. Begun again by Germany in 1970, Lorraine returned in the French bosom in 1919. While passing by this pretty area, you will stop in Nancy, old city of the Dukes of Lorraine, to admire the superb architectural whole of the Stanislas place and to taste the famous Nancy Macaroons, appeared in 1793 and which owe their origin with two Benedictins Sisters, renamed sisters macaroons. In Lunéville, town of art and history with superbly preserved architecture, you will visit the house of the merchant, the Castle or the house of the treaty where was signed the peace of 1801 between François II of Austria and the emperor Napoleon the 1st.
A small trip to Bar-le-Duc will enable you to discover an excellent Currant Jam where the pips are removed with the goose's feather, (jams are one of the delicious regional specialities). A week-end to Verdun and you will regale yourselves its famous Dragees, created by a local apothecary in 1220. Prolong your walk by Commercy and you will discover an adorable cake in the shape of shell and scented to the water of flower of orange tree, the tasty Madeleine, of the name of the maidservant of the duke Stanilas who made him discover this receipt. In Lorraine, a small hunger will be fixed quickly by a generous share of quiche, famous tart furnished with a mixture with beaten eggs, fresh cream and plugs. Lorraine, it is also the fatherland of the Mirabelle plum, delicious plum which is used to produce a Brandy, remarkable to be the only one to profit from a regulated name. Finally, in summer, with all the terraces of the area you will be able to drink an excellent beer, Pils or Lager, acidulous and refreshing, ideal at the end of the day after these stroll in the heart of a soil still to discover...
Produits du terroir en Lorraine