Basel Leckerli
Cooking time :
Total time :
Basel Leckerli for 1 kg :
- 300g honey
- 200g sugar
- 1 pinch of salt
- Zest of half a lemon
- 2 level teaspoons of gingerbread spice mix
- 400g white flour
- 6g baking powder OR 3g baking soda
- 200g finely chopped unpeeled almonds
- 100g candied orange peels, cut into small dice
- 60g Kirsch (cherry brandy)
- This amount of dough is suitable for a rectangular baking sheet of approximately 30x40 cm.
For the glaze:
- 150g powdered sugar
- 6 tablespoons water
- 1 tablespoon Kirsch

2- When this mixture has cooled, gradually add, stirring, the spices, sifted flour, and baking powder (OR baking soda). Then add the almonds and candied orange peels. Knead quickly to obtain a smooth dough, and if it sticks, add a little flour.
3- Roll out the dough on parchment paper to a thickness of about 3 mm, then place it on a baking sheet. If the dough is too sticky, it is recommended to roll it out between two sheets of parchment paper.
4- Bake at 190°C for approximately 25 minutes, in the lower part of the oven.
Note: Do not let the biscuit harden on the sheet after baking, as it becomes very hard and difficult to cut. Immediately after removing from the oven, glaze and cut.
For the glaze:
5- Heat the mixture of powdered sugar, water, and Kirsch in a small saucepan until the mixture flows off the spatula in a string. Pour it immediately over the biscuit.
The glaze whitens as it cools.
Cutting: Cut into rectangles of 3 cm by 4 cm.