Our recipes Galettes

Galettes des rois, also known as "King's Cakes," is a traditional French pastry that is typically enjoyed during the Epiphany season, which falls on the twelfth day of Christmas. The pastry is made of a flaky puff pastry crust and a sweet almond filling, and is often decorated with sugar or icing.

The origins of the Galette des rois can be traced back to ancient Rome, where a similar pastry was made to celebrate the festival of Saturnalia. The tradition of the Galette des rois was later adopted by the French, who made the pastry to celebrate the Epiphany, the day when the three wise men, or the "Three Kings," visited baby Jesus.

The Galette des rois is typically served with a small trinket, known as a "fève," hidden inside. The person who finds the fève in their slice of the pastry is said to be the king or queen of the day and is given the crown, or "la couronne," that is traditionally served with the pastry.

One of the most traditional recipes for Galettes des rois is the "Galette des Rois à la frangipane," which is a puff pastry filled with a sweet almond cream. To make this recipe, you will need ingredients such as puff pastry, sugar, eggs, butter, and ground almonds. The pastry is first rolled out and shaped into a circle, then the almond cream is spread over the dough, and the pastry is folded over to form a circular shape. The pastry is then brushed with an egg wash and baked in the oven until it is golden brown.

Another popular recipe for Galettes des rois is the "Galette des Rois aux Pommes," which is a puff pastry filled with a sweet apple filling. To make this recipe, you will need ingredients such as puff pastry, sugar, eggs, butter, and apples. The pastry is first rolled out and shaped into a circle, then the apple filling is spread over the dough, and the pastry is folded over to form a circular shape. The pastry is then brushed with an egg wash and baked in the oven until it is golden brown.

Round cake for the Twelfth Night

Round cake for the Twelfth Night

Une recette du chef étoilé Patrick Asfaux
asfaux 38 Comments

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AFTouch cuisine a été créé en 2005 par ivan Couet, vite rejoint par le chef étoilé Patrick Asfaux AFTouch cuisine devenu une référence en matiére de gastronomie plus de 70 millions de personnes é travers le monde ont déja visité ce site. Parmi eux de nombreux professionnels s'imspirent réguliérement de nos recettes.

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Couet Ivan
Créateur du site, developpeur informatique et passionné de gastronomie. Couet Ivan
Asfaux Patrick
Chef étoilé, désirant avant tout transmettre toute son expérience é celles et ceux qui le souhaite. Asfaux Patrick
Dubarry stéphane
Epicurien, puits de savoir intarrissable dans tous ce qui touche é l'histoire de notre terroir et ses acteurs. Dubarry stéphane


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