Our recipes entremets

Entremets, also known as “desserts” in French, are a type of dessert that are typically served between courses at a formal dinner. They are often used to cleanse the palate and prepare the taste buds for the next course. Entremets can be made from a variety of ingredients, including fruit, chocolate, mousse, and pastry. They are known for their intricate designs and delicate flavors.

One of the most popular entremets in French cuisine is the “entremet aux fruits rouges”, which is made with red berries such as raspberries, strawberries, and blackberries. This dessert typically consists of a layer of sponge cake, a layer of fruit mousse, and a layer of jelly. It is then topped with fresh berries and a glaze to give it a shiny appearance. This entremet is not only delicious but also beautiful to look at and can make a great addition to any dinner party.

Another popular entremet is the “entremet au chocolat”, which is a chocolate-based dessert. This entremet can be made with a variety of chocolate, such as dark chocolate, milk chocolate, or white chocolate. The base is usually a chocolate sponge cake, followed by a layer of chocolate mousse, and topped with a chocolate ganache. This entremet is perfect for chocolate lovers and can be served as a dessert or as a palate cleanser.

Entremets can also be made with a variety of other ingredients such as matcha, coffee, and hazelnut. The “entremet au matcha” is a green tea-based entremet that is typically made with a matcha sponge cake, matcha mousse, and matcha jelly. The “entremet au café” is a coffee-based entremet that is typically made with a coffee sponge cake, coffee mousse, and coffee jelly. The “entremet au noisette” is a hazelnut-based entremet that is typically made with a hazelnut sponge cake, hazelnut mousse, and hazelnut jelly.

Overall, entremets are a type of French dessert that are not only delicious but also beautiful to look at. They are often served between courses at a formal dinner and can be made with a variety of ingredients such as fruit, chocolate, mousse, and pastry. They are perfect for dinner parties and can be made with a variety of flavors such as matcha, coffee, and hazelnut. If you're looking to impress your guests with a delicious and beautiful dessert, entremets are the way to go!

Apple Turnover

Apple Turnover

Une recette du chef étoilé Patrick Asfaux
asfaux 15 Comments

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Buckwheat madeleines

Buckwheat madeleines

Une recette du chef étoilé Patrick Asfaux
asfaux 1 Comments

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Repos 120 heures

Café Liègeois

Café Liègeois

Une recette du chef étoilé Patrick Asfaux
asfaux 2 Comments

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calissons from Aix:

calissons from Aix:

ivan 43 Comments

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Repos 48 heures

Cat's Biscuits

Cat's Biscuits

Une recette du chef étoilé Patrick Asfaux
asfaux 14 Comments

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Chocolate Toffee

Chocolate Toffee

Une recette du chef étoilé Patrick Asfaux
asfaux 1 Comments

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Clementine Petal Custard Tart

Clementine Petal Custard Tart

Une recette du chef étoilé Patrick Asfaux
chef patrick 0 Comments

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Repos 1 heures

Crown of Epiphany

Crown of Epiphany

Une recette du chef étoilé Patrick Asfaux
asfaux 73 Comments

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Repos 8 heures

Glasses of yoghurt and coconut

Glasses of yoghurt and coconut

Une recette du chef étoilé Patrick Asfaux
asfaux 7 Comments

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Une recette du chef étoilé Patrick Asfaux
asfaux 62 Comments

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Normandy style apple fritters

Normandy style apple fritters

Une recette du chef étoilé Patrick Asfaux
asfaux 7 Comments

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Russian Cigarettes

Russian Cigarettes

Une recette du chef étoilé Patrick Asfaux
asfaux 19 Comments

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A propos de nous

AFTouch cuisine a été créé en 2005 par ivan Couet, vite rejoint par le chef étoilé Patrick Asfaux AFTouch cuisine devenu une référence en matiére de gastronomie plus de 70 millions de personnes é travers le monde ont déja visité ce site. Parmi eux de nombreux professionnels s'imspirent réguliérement de nos recettes.

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Couet Ivan
Créateur du site, developpeur informatique et passionné de gastronomie. Couet Ivan
Asfaux Patrick
Chef étoilé, désirant avant tout transmettre toute son expérience é celles et ceux qui le souhaite. Asfaux Patrick
Dubarry stéphane
Epicurien, puits de savoir intarrissable dans tous ce qui touche é l'histoire de notre terroir et ses acteurs. Dubarry stéphane


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