Blog : news !

Miss Nellie and Mr Auguste
This is a short tribute to Auguste Escoffier, the so famous French cook who was active mainly at the turn of the XIXth century and during the early 1900's.This is over all the story of a famous dessert : the peach "Melba"
AVPA 2008 contest : oil, honey and dry fruit
Like in 2007, Patrick Asfaux was part of the trial jury of the AVPA contest that rewards the best oils, honeys and dry fruit. Over 200 products coming from 5 continents ... here is below the list of the winners.A nice week-end in Lyon
Chef Patrick, on a regular bassis, invites you for a small gastronomic journey. Today, he drops you in Lyon. Make sure your stomach is not empty while reading this paper ....Towards the discovery of the Yoghurts
The yoghurt, foodstuff anchored into our national gastronomy for ages ? not soo sure ... this is the unexpected story of the yoghurt and, of course, a few recipes that come together with the story...The round cake for the Twelfth Night
This is the oldest cake in history, so in order to know more about its story and to learn how to prepare it, please find below a short report on the 'Cake of the Twelfth Night'.Prepare you home-made 'foie gras'
If you have visited our site for some time, I bet you have, one day, desired to prepare your home-made 'foie gras'.Maybe you actually did it. Today, we deliver to you some technical advices and tricks so that you can cook this exceptional product.
Festive menus
It is our great pleasure to offer to you the result of several months of work : four different menus for the celebration/party of Christmas and of the end of the year.You will find recipes for all 'purse/wallet sizes'. Chef Patrick Asfaux is delivering exclusive and/or reinterpreted recipes that brough happiness to the clientele of his former star restaurant in Paris.
[note of the translator : in addition to thoses recipes that form consistent menus, you can find, in the A.F.Touch site, other festive recipes, including a traditional French recipe of turkey and several recipes of oysters, very recently input onto the site.]
Opening oysters
Traditional activity during the Christmas and New Year celebrations, the opening of oysters remains a dangerous technical gesture if not properly executed. Here are some advices to avoid accidents.Chef Asfaux in jail !
It was a September day and I had a phone conversation with Philippe Gardette, a friend of mine in the business. After having heard from my family, he then stepped into the heart of the topic ...- 1
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